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Local Mom To Replace Favorite Lipstick After Toddler Eats It

Vol. I, No. 1, December 2019

It was an exciting morning recently for local mother of two Erica Morris when her toddler ingested makeup products. Toddlers, especially those exploring the newfound freedom of walking, have been known for some time to be ornery and require constant attention. That Thursday morning was no different. The 33-year-old was preparing for work while supervising both of her children when something didn’t seem right. “It was just a normal morning,” Morris replied when questioned about the incident. When things got extremely quiet, her maternal instincts caused her to spring into action. “You have that moment of panic,” Morris said regarding the moment when she rounded the corner looking for her youngest son, Wells, 1.

“I had only lost sight of him for less than 20 seconds,” she added, her voice low with concern as she replayed the morning’s events. Shaking her head, her disquietude changing to perplexed amusement, she added, “That’s when I saw [it]. My son looked up at me, and I didn’t know what to think. All around [his] mouth was a color that resembled blood.”

She later added that she was prompted immediately to grab her son to look for any wounds. “It was confusing to me at first. I expected a cry.” She then saw that he was holding onto an empty tube of lipstick with no cap. “He was clutching it in triumph,” Morris scoffed as she described the moment when her son grinned at her—baring teeth smeared with that ever-familiar e.l.f. matte shade of Ravishing Rose. Morris stated that clinging to humor has helped her cope with the daily trials of parenting.

“I was able to retrieve one small bite of the lipstick. He had already consumed the rest. At least it was an affordable product committed to being cruelty-free and vegan.”

Her Google search indicated that she was not alone. “It was surprising to find out how often children eat [lipstick].” She also claimed that this was not the worst thing that her youngest son has eaten this year. He has also eaten crickets, flies, sand, dog food, two latex water balloons, frog feces, and hay.

Morris reached out to the daycare to report what had taken place. In closely monitoring the child, the school personnel confirmed that he fared healthy and normal despite the unconventional breakfast. She plans on traveling to her local Target soon to replace the product. She remains unsure of how he even got a hold of the tube claiming that she keeps the bag containing the beauty products on a surface that he cannot reach.

Morris’ husband has yet to comment on the incident. Morris is not affiliated with or sponsored by the California-based cosmetics company.

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